Image Quality Indices
From AutoPIA
Image Quality Indices (IQIs) are values that quantify the quality of an image. Image quality is not a single factor, but it is a composite of many aspects, like contrast, blur, noise and distortion just to name a few. Test objects are designed to highlight some aspects of image quality through their details. Each test object is composed by a set of details, and for each detail AutoPIA calculates some IQIs according to this list. Please follow the link for a complete description.
- 5.6mm low contrast circular details
- 0.5mm and 0.25mm high contrast circular details
- High contrast resolution grid
- Uniform step wedge
- Microparticle step wedge
- 3.0mm low contrast circular details
- Microparticles
- Filaments
- DMAM2 Gold and DMAM2 Threshold Contrast
- 2.0mm, 1.0mm, 0.5mm, 0.25mm, 0.16mm and 0.10mm high contrast circular details
- Edge
- DMAM2 Foil
- Aluminium foil
- Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR)
- Aluminium foil
- DMAM2 Uniformity
- Whole area
- Image receptor homogeneity (EUREF 4th ed. 2b.
- Uncorrected defective detector elements (EUREF 4th ed. 2b.
- Image receptor homogeneity with variance (EUREF 4th ed. supplement 2b.
- Whole area
- PIX MAM 300x240 and PIX MAM 250D
- Aluminium foil
- Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR)
- Aluminium foil
- Whole area
- Image receptor homogeneity (EUREF 4th ed. 2b.
- Uncorrected defective detector elements (EUREF 4th ed. 2b.
- Image receptor homogeneity with variance (EUREF 4th ed. supplement 2b.
- Whole area
Radiography (CR and DR)
- 8.0mm low contrast circular details
- 0.5mm high contrast circular details
- High contrast resolution grid
- Uniform step wedge
- PIX 13
- 1.5mm low contrast circular details
- High contrast resolution grid
- Uniform step wedge
- Uniform area
- X-Ray versus Light Field allignment
- TOR 18FG
- 8.0mm low contrast circular details
- High contrast resolution grid
Threshold Contrast
- TO 20, TO 16, TO 12 and TO 10
- 11.0mm, 8.0mm, 5.6mm, 4.0mm, 2.8mm and 2.0mm low contrast circular details
- 1.4mm, 1.0mm, 0.7mm, 0.5mm, 0.35 mm and 0.25 high contrast circular details
- CBCT 161
- Whole phantom
- Linearity (R2)
- Homogeneity
- Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)
- External PMMA, Air, PVC and Internal PMMA
- Whole phantom